user experience testing

conversion & Optimization

From hypothesis to optimization

Hearing aids

In this search page for the best companies for hearing aid devices, what we wanted to achieve was to highlight the best options for users.

The first phase was to create categories at the top of the list which will show the best two alternatives, for this phase iconography was used.

In the second phase through research, we realized that users, due to the type of product, were more attracted to see photographs than iconography and thus we managed to create a higher click to rate through the categories accompanied by photographs.

Version Control


Final version

From hypothesis to optimization

medical alerts

Through research we were able to verify that the population who searched for this type of product was mature, therefore we took into consideration that the call to action towards a click was not as attractive as making a call. Another important part was the creation of accessibility through the use of large font for better readability. Through these strategies, it was possible to increase sales by telephone and more visits to the page, since the link followed old patterns of mental models of use of the web such as hyperlink, which facilitated the use of the page.

Version Control


Final Version


Design System | Brandhub